No Shows to Job Interviews Waste Your Time & Makes Unemployment Insurance Cost Higher
JUNE 10, 2017 by Zane Glover
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) considers it to be job refusal if someone on unemployment does not show up for a scheduled interview. CDLE is asking that employers report the applicant when this occurs.
CDLE is asking Business Owners to complete this form if someone on unemployment does not show up for an interview or turns down an offer of work. You will need to collect the last 4 of the prospects SSN for this form.
If a candidate does not have valid cause for not showing for an interview or refusal to return to work, they might be subject to overpayments and in some cases, fraud review. Under unemployment laws, employees must be able and available to work to be determined eligible. Unless otherwise covered under the Safer at Home Executive Order (vulnerable populations, caring for a vulnerable dependent, etc.) when their current employer requests for them to return, they are likely not eligible for unemployment benefits if they refuse to return